Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC)
The SDMC must be involved in decisions related to areas specified by the state, district and campus. The areas that require involvement of the SDMC are:
· Implementing all pertinent campus-level planning processes;
· Developing recommendations for the school budget;
· Submitting recommendations for the school curriculum;
· Recommending changes in the school’s staffing patterns;
· Developing and approving the campus staff development plans;
· Developing, reviewing and revising the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations. After the principal approves the SIP, the SDMC will present the plan to the school-based professional staff for a vote of approval.
· Reviewing and making recommendations regarding the school’s organizational structure; and
· Establishing procedures to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input.
Operating Procedures:
A. Meetings. In addition to regularly scheduled meetings, the committee must hold at least one public meeting each year after receipt of the annual campus rating from the Texas Education Agency to discuss the performance of the school and the school’s objectives.
B. Agenda. The committee shall establish procedures for school personnel, parents, and business and community representatives to submit agenda items for meetings.
C. Minutes. A record of all decisions and significant discussion items shall be maintained by the committee. Copies of the SDMC minutes shall be distributed to members of the committee, school-based personnel, and the appropriate district superintendent, and shall be available to the general public upon request.
D. Decision. The committee is an advisory group to the school principal except for campus staff development. The committee must outline procedures for addressing the areas of involvement and for decision making. The principal shall consult the SDMC in matters relating to the school educational program, but the principal has the final authority in fiduciary and final decisions.
The HISD SDMC is an open committee whose scheduled meetings will be scheduled and held at the discretion of the principal. Agenda items must be submitted to the SDMC secretary no later than the end of the school day on Friday prior to the scheduled meetings. Agenda items should be submitted on an SDMC Communications Form, which should be available on the school’s website. Community members are also welcome to consult their SDMC representatives as their voice on the SDMC. Minutes will be distributed to the campus committee faculty. A copy should be sent to the PTO.