Interim Principal Sarah Tovar
Phone # (713) 924-0350
Ms. Tovar is a well-established educator with 20 years of experience as a Teacher, Media Specialist, Instructional Specialist, and, most recently, Teacher Specialist at Laurenzo ECC. We are excited that Ms. Tovar has committed to serving the Laurenzo ECC community to ensure our students have a high-quality early childhood education. Sarah Tovar is a proud native Houstonian and graduate from HISD’s Waltrip High School. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston in Psychology and Master’s degree from Lamar University in Teacher Leadership. Ms. Tovar has been a part of the Ninfa Laurenzo ECC community for 20 years.
Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year! We are looking forward to an exciting and enriching school year for our students at Ninfa Laurenzo Early Childhood Center. It is our desire to work together to provide the best education possible for our students. This year we will have many opportunities for you to be involved at our school. Read more...
English: How to Enroll in Pre-K or Kindergarten at HISD
Spanish: Cómo inscribir a su hijo in prekínder o kínder en HISD
Apply here for Pre-K online application - Aplique aqui para la aplicacion Online de Pre-K https://hisdchoice.com/login
205 N. Delmar Houston, Tx 77011 713-924-0350 fax: 713-924-0390Accessibility
Laurenzo Early Childhood Education Center
205 N. Delmar Houston, Tx 77011
fax: 713-924-0390