Garcia Elementary School

A School of Excellence


TEA Distinctions

  • Star Top 25% Student Progress
    Star Reading Achievement 

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    Welcome to Garcia Elementary!

    • Maria A. Gonzales-Rojas, Principal

      Phone: 713-696-2900


      We are pleased to announce Maria Gonzales Rojas as the new principal of Garcia Elementary. Ms. Gonzales Rojas was born and raised in La Paz, Bolivia with both parents and an older brother. Gonzales  Rojas began her career as a math teacher in Houston ISD where she was named teacher of the year.  She also served as an instructional specialist and then transition to be a high school assistant principal.  Ms. Gonzales Rojas earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from the University of Houston, a master’s degree in educational leadership from Houston Baptist University, and successfully completed an executive leadership program at Rice University's School of Business.

    • 24-25 Student Dresscode

      Student Dress CodeSpanish student dress code


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    • Dear Parents! Join us to meet the teacher! Can't wait to see you here!

      Meet the teacher

      ¡Estimados padres, únase a nosotros para conocer al maestro(a)! ¡Los vemos pronto!