Whatever It Takes..Together We Can
Miriam Medina, Principal
Phone: 713-696-2710
Email: MMEDINA3@houstonisd.org
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am honored to be serving as the principal of Scarborough Elementary for another year. My deep commitment to helping your child develop both academically and interpersonally requires your support. Only through a true partnership with our students' parents can we build a safe and compassionate community of lifelong learners who are scholars, creators, and problem solvers. Read more...
Parents please join us for free food distribution. Padres, asistan a la distribucion gratuita de comida.
Parents, please Join us on August 7 from 3:00 - 6:00 PM. Remember you may bring the school supplies to this event. Padres, por favor acompáñenos el 7 de agosto de 3:00 a 6:00 PM. Recuerden que pueden traer los útiles escolares a este evento.
Welcome parents to an exciting new school year 2024-2025! ¡Bienvenidos Padres a un excitante nuevo año escolar 2024-2025!
Get ready for the 2024-2025 school year! We are eager to welcome you back. Learn more here.
Become a Scarborough Scholar TODAY! Join our Pre-K - 5th grade Dual Language Program. Contact the Main Office for more information at (713) 696-2710.
The district’s Parent Portal, HISD Connect, is going offline for end-of-year maintenance on July 21, 2023. View grades, attendance, update contact information, and view your child's information.
3030 Trenton Rd. Houston, TX 77093 713-696-2710 fax: Fax: 713-696-2712Accessibility
Scarborough Elementary School
3030 Trenton Rd. Houston, TX 77093
fax: Fax: 713-696-2712