Golfcrest Elementary

Racing Towards Excellence


Welcome to Golfcrest Elementary

  • Dr. Augustina Brooks Principal Dr. Augustina Brooks, Principal
    Phone: 713-845-7425

    It is with great pleasure that I serve as Principal at Golfcrest Elementary School. I am a product of HISD attending Pleasantville Elementary, Lanier Middle School, and graduating from Jesse H. Jones. I've been a part of Team HISD for 15 years with a total of 25 years in education. I completed my undergraduate studies at Tufts University and University of St. Thomas, graduate studies at University of Houston Clear Lake, and my Doctorate at Texas Tech University. I look forward to an amazing and successful school year working with the students, faculty, and community members in making Golfcrest Elementary the premier school in the south.

    Es un gran placer servir como directora de la Escuela Primaria Golfcrest. Soy producto de HISD, asistí a la primaria Pleasantville, a la escuela secundaria Lanier y me gradué de Jesse H. Jones. He sido parte del Equipo HISD durante 15 años con un total de 25 años en educación. Completé mis estudios universitarios en la Universidad Tufts y la Universidad de St. Thomas, estudios de posgrado en la Universidad de Houston Clear Lake y mi doctorado en la Texas Tech University. Espero tener un año escolar increíble y exitoso trabajando con los estudiantes, profesores y miembros de la comunidad para hacer de la primaria Golfcrest la escuela principal del sur.

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