Capable. Connected. Cared For. We are the Champions!
Luis Sabillon, Principal
Phone: 713-696-2630
Thank you for your interest in Coop Elementary School and welcome to our website. We are a community of dedicated educators that believe that every child is capable of achieving their dreams. We believe in inspiring students and challenging them academically every day to make them life-long learners. We connect our students to the world through technology, bilingualism, multicultural events, and the latest research-based instructional strategies. We love what we do because we get to care and interact with the young minds that will lead us to a better tomorrow. We have the power to change lives and we are not afraid to use it.
In this website, you will find information about our recognized Dual-Language program, our teachers, our community, and our students.
Capable, Connected, and Cared For!!!!
Bienvenidos a nuestro sitio electrónico, estamos profundamente agradecidos por su interés en nuestra Escuela Primaria Coop. Somos una comunidad de profesionales, dedicados a educar con la firme convicción de que los niños pueden lograr sus sueños. Diariamente inspiramos y desafiamos a los alumnos académicamente para convertirlos en aprendices de por vida. Conectamos a nuestros alumnos al mundo a través de tecnología, experiencias de instrucción, bilingüismo, eventos familiares y multiculturales. Tenemos el compromiso de cambiar vidas por ello cuidamos nuestra labor de educadores y amamos la oportunidad de cuidar y construir las mentes jóvenes que nos llevarán a un mejor mañana.
En este sitio electrónico encontrará información sobre nuestro reconocido Programa de Lenguaje Dual, nuestros maestros, comunidad y estudiantes.
¡Capaces, Conectados y Cuidados!
allows registered users (i.e., parents and students) to log in to access a variety of student information, see class assignments and school calendars, and even communicate electronically with teachers. Users can also choose to have an e-mail or text message sent if a child's grades drop below a selected average or is absent or tardy to class.
10130 Aldine-Westfield Houston, TX 77093-5449 713-696-2630 fax: Accessibility
Coop Elementary School
10130 Aldine-Westfield Houston, TX 77093-5449