Racing Towards Excellence
Miguel Lopez Blanco, Principal
Phone: 713-845-7425
It is with great pleasure that I serve as principal at Golfcrest Elementary School. I've been a part of Team HISD for 7 years, serving the elementary level as instructional specialist, literacy coach, and bilingual teacher. Most recently, I served as assistant principal of CorneliusElementary School. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University Complutense of Madrid and my graduate studies at American College of Education. I look forward an amazing and successful school year working with the students, faculty, and community members in making Golfcrest Elementary the premier school in the south.
Es un gran placer servir como director en la Escuela Primaria Golfcrest. He sido parte del Equipo de HISD durante 7 años, sirviendo al nivel primario como especialista en instrucción, entrenador de lectura y maestro bilingüe. Más recientemente, fui subdirector de la Escuela Primaria Cornelius. Completé mis estudios de universiatarios en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y mis estudios de posgrado en el American College of Education. Espero un curso escolar increíble y exitoso trabajando con los estudiantes, la facultad y los miembros de la comunidad para hacer de Golfcrest Elementary la mejor escuela en el sur.
Golfcrest Elementary School
7414 Fairway
Houston, Texas 77087-3623
Phone: 713-845-7425
Fax: 713-847-4705
School Hours
Pre-K - Fifth Grade
7:30 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Dismissal: 3:15 p.m.
After School Clubs: 3:30 - 4:30
Office Directory Information
7414 Fairway Dr.
Houston, TX 77087-3623 713-845-7425 fax: 713-847-4705Accessibility
Golfcrest Elementary
7414 Fairway Dr.
Houston, TX 77087-3623
fax: 713-847-4705