• Student Dress Code



    • School appropriate pants, shorts, skirts, skirts, jumpers, or jeans.
    • Must be worn at waist level
    • Shorts, skirts and skorts may be no more than five inches above the middle of the knee as judged by school staff. 
    • Leggings or jeggings may not be worn alone. They must be worn with shorts, skirts, skorts or dresses.
    • Oversized, undersized, torn, cut, or frayed pants are not permitted.


    Shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts:

    • School appropriate shirts, sweaters, hoodies, and jackets.
    • Official Sinclair T-shirts are mandatory for all field trips.
    • Spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, sleeveless shirts and tank tops are not permitted.
    • Hats and hoods are not permitted in the building.
    • Oversized hoodies are not permitted
    • Any solid color polo style shirt, either short sleeved or long sleeved




    • Safe shoes must always be worn and must be appropriate for all school activities.
    • For safety reasons, platform shoes, spiked heels, combat boots, steel-toed boots, or any backless shoes including clogs, crocs, shoes with wheels, house shoes, sandals, open-toed shoes, flip-flops, or water socks are not permitted.
    • Students who are unable to tie their shoes independently should wear shoes that do not require being tied. 


    Additional guidelines:

    • All clothing items, including jewelry and watches, may not distract from the educational process.
      • For safety reasons, earrings should be studs.
    • Any items depicting the occult, gang membership, death, suicide, violence, drugs, sex, race, gender obscenities, alcohol, items with double meanings, or anything else deemed inappropriate are not allowed.
    • Hair color and style may not be disruptive to the educational process.
    • Hats or caps may not be worn inside the school building.
    • Make-up may not be worn or carried on campus.
      • The color and style of nail polish should be school appropriate.


    Dress codes are implemented to promote school safety and minimize distractions.  Please see the Student Code of Conduct for actions that may be taken for disregarding the school dress code.