Conferences and Campus Visitors
All campus visitors must check in at the Main Office, provide proof of identification, and wear a visitor’s badge on the front of their chest. For the safety of our student body, all campus visitors who disrupt and//or fail to comply with these guidelines are subject to a trespassing citation from our campus officer. Unless an appointment has been prearranged with an administrator or campus personnel, we do not allow visitors during the lunch hour.
- Students may use the restrooms by the cafeteria before or during lunch.
- Students may not use the restrooms in the academic hallways during their lunch period.
- Students must report directly to their class after lunch.
- Items made of glass (ex. glass bottles) are prohibited on campus.
- Students and/or parents are not allowed to bring food for other students per HISD policy. This includes birthday cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.
- A separate table will be provided for students who wish to eat lunch with their parents.
- Due to the limited time for lunch, students should come to school with their lunch or plan on purchasing a lunch each day. It is the student’s responsibility to stop by the Main Office to pick up any lunch that is delivered by a parent/guardian. We do not accept lunch deliveries from outside companies for students.
From time to time we understand that a parent may need to meet with an administrator. We ask that if it is a classroom issue that you please meet with the teacher first to try to resolve the issue. If you need to meet with an administrator, please contact the administrator via email or phone to set up a conference time. Administrators are often in classrooms, at duty, or in meetings and cannot meet at a moment’s notice. If it is an emergency, please come to the Main Office and ask to speak with the Principal’s Administrative Assistant. She will try to get an administrator to meet with you as quickly as possible.
Parent-teacher conferences should be set up during the teacher’s conference time, before school, after school, or during a time when the teacher is relieved of classroom responsibilities. Upon check in at the Main office, the teacher will be notified of the parent’s/guardian’s arrival.
To maintain the educational environment of the classroom, a classroom visit must be set 48 hours in advance with teacher and administrator approval. A classroom visit is limited to no more than 15 minutes, and the visitor must be accompanied by an administrator. The purpose of the classroom visit is to observe your own child, and not the teacher or another student. Younger children (siblings, relatives) are not permitted in the classroom.