EAFK stands for Early Acts First Knight, and it is our school’s Virtues Program! EAFK is a comprehensive daily educational program that teaches high moral character and social skills to students in elementary schools. It is designed to help students to become more civil, service-oriented people during their most formative years. We choose one Virtue of the Month to focus on and at the end of the month, we have a school-wide celebration assembly to honor one student from each class who has modeled that virtue all month long! We invite the parents of the winners, secretly, to the assembly, where a real-life Knight in shining armor presents a medallion to the student winner! This program has been a tradition at Love for over 10 years and had been annually sponsored by the very generous Rotary Club of Houston Heights. Huge thank you to them!! The virtues we will focus on this year are: Responsibility, Being a Good Citizen, Respect/Courtesy, Caring/Kindness, Confidence, and Integrity.