• Dress Code FAQ

    2024-2025 School Year


    • Can students wear skirts, shorts, or sweatpants as part of the dress code?


    Students cannot wear shorts, skirts, or sweatpants of any kind. They are only allowed to wear blue jeans with no rips or holes and any color uniform pants.



    • Can students wear crocs, slides, bubble slides or any shoes that have no backing or are open in the front?


    Students cannot wear crocs, slides, or shoes with no back or open-toed shoes. These kinds of shoes easily slip off and are a hazard. Students can only wear closed-toed sneakers or flats. 



    • Can students wear hoodies that have logos and labels like “GAP”?


    Students can wear hoodies or jackets have logos and label as long as it is not offensive graphics, language, or writing. 



    • Can students bring an extra pair of shoes to change into for electives and/or sports?


    Students are not allowed to bring an extra pair of shoes for electives or dyad. Students in sports will need to leave their athletic bags as soon as they arrive with the coaches. 



    • Can students bring purses instead of backpacks? 


    We are allowing small purses to be brought to school instead of backpacks. If students bring a backpack, it must be mesh or clear.



    • Do the school shirts have to be plain colored or can they have writing and/ or be multicolored? 

    Your grade-level colored shirt must be solid. It can be a plain shirt or a polo, but it cannot have any writing or have multiple colors.



    • Why did we change the grade-level colors? 


    We changed most of the grade colors to make things fresh and exciting. It was a group decision with parents and staff, and we kept one grade's color the same for tradition.