Minutes from School Based Decision-Making Committee

    The SDMC Committee established the following dress code:

    • The students are required to wear a solid navy, yellow or white polo shirt or the school t-shirt with the school logo imprinted. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.


    • Boys are required to wear either khaki or navy pants with a BELT (if the pants have loops) or khaki/navy shorts.


    • Girls are required to wear either khaki or navy pants with a BELT (if the pants have loops), a khaki skirt, skort, shorts, or jumper.


    • The students are to wear tennis shoes only; they will need to have shoe laces or velcro. No hats, bandanas or sweatbands are to be worn in school.



    In order to provide a safe and professional environment that is conducive to learning and one that will assist in preparing the Burrus student for the future, we are requiring that all of our students wear the uniform the SDMC approved. Every teacher is expected to enforce this rule. This includes requiring that all students tuck their shirts in and wear belts.


    1. Hats

    • No hats or caps of any type may be worn on campus.
    • Hair nets, scarves, bandanas and/or sweatbands are not to be worn on campus


    2. Hair

    • Must be clean and neat
    • No rakes, picks, DESIGNS including mohawks and/or sharp hairpins


    3. Skirts/Shorts/Dresses/Pants

    • May be no shorter than 3 inches above the knees.


    4. Jewelry/Accessories

    • No facial piercing
    • No sunglasses and/or dark tinted glasses may be worn in the building.
    • Males are prohibited from wearing earrings.


    5. Shoes

    • Tennis shoes are the only shoes we require students to wear they are easier for running and the children participate in physical education every day. We do not allow any other type of shoes unless the school sends a flyer for example on Go Texan day when they are allowed cowboy boots. Only tennis shoes are allowed must be closed in must have shoe lace, a regular low cut tennis shoe.     

    ** The administration reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the appropriateness of clothing, hair styles and/or accessories.