• Uniform 1 uniform 2 unform 3


    McNamara Elementary School has adopted a standard mode of dress for our school.  All students are expected to wear a clean and neat school uniform each day.

    • The standard mode of dress for McNamara students consists of white, yellow, gold,  or dark green tops (shirts with collars, blouses) and khaki/tan, navy blue or blue denim bottoms  (pants, walking shorts, jumpers, skirts, shorts).  A McNamara school shirt may also be worn.
    • All students must wear shoes for health and safety reasons.  Footwear should be suitable for physical education.  No wooden soles, open backed shoes, flip-flops, cleats, or roller skate shoes may be worn.  Socks are highly recommended.
    • Caps and hats may not be worn in the building.
    • Boys should wear shirts tucked inside pants and belts are highly recommended.
    • Students are allowed to wear knee-length shorts.  Extremely short shorts or skirts may not be worn.
    • Students may not wear clothing that inappropriately exposes themselves, including midriff-length, tank style or spaghetti strap tops or short shorts or mini skirts.
    • Clothing with logos or writing, other than the McNamara school shirt, is not allowed.

    Parents of students who violate the dress code will be contacted by school personnel to determine a satisfactory solution to the dress code violation.  Repeated violation of the dress code will result in disciplinary action, as outlined in the HISD Code of Student Conduct.  Limited assistance in obtaining uniforms is available to parents who can show proof of financial need.  Please contact the school office for further information.

    Violation for not following the Dress Code

    ·         1st Offense: Warning to student.

    ·         2nd Offense: A written warning will be sent home by the teacher.

    ·         3rd Offense: Student will be sent to the office and the parent will be contacted by an administrator. Parent must bring uniform to school.

    ·         4th Offense: In school suspension or after-school detention to be determined by administrator.