Due to district wide testing, there will be no Magnet Tour on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Please select one of the other available dates.
![Magnet Thursdays](/cms/lib2/TX01001591/Centricity/Domain/26526/Magnet Thursdays 24-25 ao12624.png)
C-STEM and Shell Eco-Marathon Field Lesson
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
S.C. Red Elementary is a STEM school offering a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Magnet Program. All students who attend Red participate in the magnet program. Each week, students will attend separate math, science and technology labs. These ancillary programs are in addition to the standard classroom curriculum in these fields. The labs enhance the curriculum by using monthly themes. Engineering will be incorporated into all these areas.
The school-wide program includes: setting challenging expectations for academic performance, improving their ability to utilize higher order thinking skills, promoting responsible student decision making, implementing programs that heighten self-esteem; and providing proven technology and hands-on experience to influence student knowledge and skills.
Science Laboratory
Students will have many opportunities to become actively involved in science. In weekly labs, Pre-K – 5th grade students explore topics with hands-on experience. Science sparks students’ interest in fields such as space, physical and natural sciences, and the human body. We use our wonderful outdoor lab for some of the more creative activities.
Math Laboratory
In the math laboratory, students use calculators, pentominoes, tangrams, pattern blocks, base ten blocks, geoboards, money, computers, toys, color tiles, games and puzzles to enhance instruction. Student teams work to solve problems and solve mathematical challenges. Annual events include Family Math, Number Sense and Math Magician’s Club.
Computer Laboratory
Our computer lab is organized so that every student works independently at a computer station and has access to the internet. The lab houses a large software library with real-life math and science experience to improve high-level problem-solving skills. While developing keyboarding skills and computer literacy, students conduct teacher-guided research and research projects online.