• In 2014-2015, MCHS at HCC Felix Fraga partnered with Houston Fire Department to provide students with experiences that expose students to a career as a FireFighter or EMS. We are in our second year of promoting HFD as a possible career path.
    • Students meet monthly with HFD FireFighters. 
    • Students organized a toy drive at school and donated the toys to the Operation Stocking Stuffer through HFD in December. 
    • The CASEY students visited Fire Station 17 where they were taught by Firefighters the equipment and safety procedures at the fire station.
    • CASEY students were selected to participate in a CASEY Fire OPS Career and Fitness event at the HFD Training Facility. Students competed in various activities from the Firefighter exam for a scholarship to the HCC Fire Fighter Academy. 
    • CASEY students participated in another event at the HFD Training Facility. 
    • Senior CASEY members attended the Trailblazer Luncheon where they interacted with several HFD award recipients.
    • In May 2015, Senior Mark Gonzales was awarded the $5,000 scholarship for the HCC Fire Academy, which he is currently attending.