
    NES Overview


    The New Education System (NES) is a model for whole-scale system reform. In order to dramatically improve outcomes for our large percentages of struggling students at HISD, we need a bold, transformative approach that puts high quality instruction above all else. 


    The NES model focuses on providing students with high quality instruction using innovative staffing and instructional models that provide more support to teachers allowing them to focus on providing the best possible instruction. The model also provides instructional coaching, rigorous principal and teacher evaluation, differentiated compensation, Art of Thinking (AOT) courses and classes that extend student experiences and perspective such as martial arts, photography, gardening and spin classes. 


    Design Principles


    NES is founded on several design principles that are markedly different than those of traditional public education:


    • Reform is conducted “whole scale”

    • Learning is increasingly focused on how to think and on Year 2035 competencies;

    • Instruction is highly differentiated every class period;

    • Students are provided with both content knowledge and experiences that expand perspective and right-brain skills

    • The staffing model ensures high-quality   instruction 100% of the time

    • Compensation is differentiated and based on effectiveness. 


    The NES model counters the myth that it takes years to turn around failing schools. NES schools will serve as proof points that wholescale systemic reform is achievable, and that districts can use a ‘split screen’ strategy for transformation. By strategically implementing the split screen strategy within HISD, the district aims to catalyze systemic reform across the entire district in just three years. HISD’s transformation will also serve as a blueprint for broader educational enhancement. 


    GOALS for NES


    District Goal #1 = Implement the New Education System in 40 additional schools

    • The District establishes at least 35 additional NES schools by 1 August 2024.

    • All classrooms in the NES schools, including the ones in the new schools, successfully implement NES principles and practices and demonstrate overall proficient instruction on the first day of school.

    • All new NES schools are fully staffed by the first day of school in August 2024.

    • All new NES schools are fully outfitted with materials and equipment by the first day of school in August 2024.


    The NES model was designed very intentionally and should be implemented with fidelity in order to achieve whole-scale reform. This playbook will serve as a guide for principals to implement the core components of the NES model, outlined in detail, including important links and resources embedded throughout. Most of the components, as indicated throughout, are not changeable, whereas some are highly encouraged or suggested. We make a consistent effort to clearly indicate when a particular point or concept applies throughout.