•  womp womp

    This week's homework will be: coming soon!



    Last week's homework was: 



    Homework in my class will be assigned on Thursday nights and due in the first five minutes of class Friday, unless otherwise specified.  

    I offer many reminders for students to turn in their work on time, ranging from written reminders placed on the board daily, to several spoken reminders at the start of class. Student work is counted late if turned in after the first five minutes of class (orr the first five minutes after the student's arrival. I understand that everyone will be late getting to school from time to time).


    It is important to note that though I do teach two subjects, students will recieve either science or social studies homework on Thursdays. Very occationally they will have both. The aim is to practice those concepts that require the most reinforcement, and not to bog down the kids with an hour of homework.