• Specialists

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First name Last name Position Email Planning Period Sort order image Bio1 Bio2 Bio3
Jack Alexander PE Teacher JALEXAN8@houstonisd.org Alexander.jpg Hello, my name is Jack Alexander. I have been teaching for 27 years, the last two years at Roberts Elementary. It is my pleasure to teach at such a fine school. The students are a delight to work with! I graduated from Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan. I coach running, swimming and triathlon. I am a former Canadian Olympian in Modern Pentathlon and a member of the South Midwest Region triathlon Hall of Fame. My goal is to teach Physical Education with enthusiasm and encourage students at Roberts to become life time enthusiasts of physical exercise and good health.
Cassandra Calvin Teaching Assistant cassandra.calvin@houstonisd.org a_temp_headhshot.jpg
Alan Campbell Violin/Strings & Kinder Piano Teacher lcampbe3@houstonisd.org Campbell.jpg Al Campbell is a music instructor in HISD at 3 campuses; Westbury HS, Roberts EL, and Parker EL. He has more than 30 years of experience as an educator and more than 35 years as an professional performer as a bassist. He is also the director of the Summer Jazz Workshop, assistant director of the Houston International Jazz Festival through Jazz Ed. Inc. and also works as a music consultant for public and private music educational facilities. He is a graduate of Texas Southern University with a BA in musical performance/education. He has performed and has associations with the entertainment industry`s most acclaimed performers. He also has former students performing and headlining with the industry`s top musicians in all styles of music. Al`s home town is Memphis TN, and he is also active in the music industry in Memphis as a consultant for The Stax Record Foundation and Charter School. He is also a member of the American Federation of Musicians Loc. 65-699.
Marlene Cortez Spanish Teacher marlene.cortez@houstonisd.org Hello! My name is Marlene Cortez and I am very excited to be teaching Spanish. I graduated from the University of Houston with a major in Spanish. As a child, I visited my parent’s native country of Mexico. Since then I became fascinated with traveling and learning about different cultures. I enjoy going to the beach, reading and the arts. Cortez.png
Sandra Felder Nurse sfelder1@houstonisd.org Felder.jpg Sandra Felder, RN, BSN, MS, School Nurse Roberts Elementary, native Houstonian, proud HISD graduate and Army Nurse Veteran. I received a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from Prairie View A and M University and a Master of Science in Health Education degree from Texas Southern University. Helping young people stay healthy, safe and ready to learn are reasons I became a school nurse. A few of my favorite things are spending time with my daughter, sharing vegetables from my backyard garden, hosting family dinners on Sundays and playing with my pet dog Lola Lee (Shih Tzu).
Marnie Hylton Social Worker mhylton@houstonisd.org Hylton.jpg Hello! My name is Marnie Hylton and I am the new Social Worker at Roberts Elementary. I look forward to meeting your children and helping them to meet their social, emotional and academic needs. This will be my eighth year as School Social Worker and I have worked in HISD for six years. settings to promote effective problem solving and learning.  I am the referral chairperson for our students who have a special need or require additional support at school through interventions (IAT), 504 accommodations, or Special Education. I am also super excited to follow in Ms. Chase-Hopkins footsteps in the +Works program to help “develop a school filled with upstanding IB Learners.”    I am at  Roberts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Marina Jenkins Art Teacher MJENKI11@houstonisd.org jenkins.jpg It is an honor to be the new Roberts Elementary art teacher. After graduating from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts, I went on to teach high school art in Fort Bend and Cy-Fair for five years. While teaching, I continued my education and received a Masters of Liberal Arts degree in Art History from the University of St. Thomas. Currently, I am pursuing my PhD in Art History from the University of Texas at Dallas. During my summers off, I enjoy teaching private art classes at various art studios in Texas. When I am not teaching or studying, I love to spend time with my family, read, travel, make art, and swim. It is exciting to be a part of the Roberts IB team, where students thrive, learn, create, and evolve into responsible citizens.
Chase Owens Teaching Assistant stephen.owens@houstonisd.org a_temp_headhshot.jpg
Susan Rafferty Reading Intervention susan.rafferty@houstonisd.org Rafferty.png It is exciting to be at Roberts Elementary. I have over thirty years of experience in education and have served as an Instructional Specialist at River Oaks Elementary and Briarmeadow. My education includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa and graduate degrees from the University of Houston and the University of Southern Mississippi. I will enjoy working with the students at Roberts!
Arielle Rojas Dance Teacher arojas6@houstonisd.org rojas.jpg I am ecstatic to begin this venture with Roberts Elementary this year. I graduated from University of Houston, and have a professional dancing career alongside teaching with Young Audiences. I have two rescue dogs, Jax Lestat and Sookie, that I love unconditionally. I am a craft enthusiast, and I always try to create before I even think of purchasing. In my off-time I am dancing with my professional company, doing yoga or indoor cycling. I live an active life with my husband and dogs. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and I am beyond thrilled I get to start this journey with Roberts.
Kendra Salas Special Education KSALAS@houstonisd.org Salas.jpg My name is Kendra Salas and I teach Special Education. I previously taught 3rd and 2nd Grade at Roberts. I graduated from Trinity University with a degree in Humanities and Spanish, and a master's degree in Teaching. My favorite children's book is The Giving Tree.
Juyne Sauer Music Teacher jsauer@houstonisd.org Sauer.jpg I have been teaching music in HISD for 31 years. I love making music with elementary students! I also enjoy teaching beginning piano and recorders.
Nancy Tooker Science Teacher NTOOKER1@houstonisd.org tooker.jpg I am happy to be back at Roberts Elementary for my second year. I love teaching in the science lab. This will be my 12th year in the Houston Independent School District and my 27th year of teaching. I have taught students in grades Pre-K - 6th in both public and private school. I was born in the Garden State, attended college in the Bay State and I consider the Lone Star State my home. I am passionately curious and love teaching. The scientific method is one of my favorite things. The inquiry cycle at its best! I love libraries, bookstores, gardens of all types, tennis, and of course the Olympic games!
Regina Verner Center For Inquiry rverner@houstonisd.org Verner.jpg
Bessie Wang Piano Teacher BWANG@houstonisd.org Wang.jpg After attending many music concerts at a young age, I chose a music career and attended the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Upon graduation I joined the Shanghai Films Symphony Orchestra as a professional performer. In my spare time I taught students in private piano lessons. I started school teaching career at Roberts Elementary in 1994 after volunteered in Roberts’s annual fine arts product: Musical “The Nutcracker”. I loved it and decided to become a school music teacher. Roberts Elementary opened a brand new piano lab that year and I was hired as a piano teacher. I have thoroughly enjoyed in teaching at Roberts in these years. Outside of classroom I am actively involved in the music teachers association of National, Texas and Houston. I enjoy walking, cooking, the movies and traveling with my family.
Kelly Wehrer Teaching Assistant kwehrer@houstonisd.org wehrer.jpg Kelly Wehrer moved to Houston with her family from Columbus, Ohio just in time for her oldest child to begin Kindergarten at Roberts. After being active with the PTO, including a term as president, she was thrilled to join the staff as a reading specialist/administrative assistant. She has a B.F.A. in Creative Writing and an M.A. in Theater, both from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. In Columbus, she performed and taught with The Phoenix Theater for Children, and was the Program Manager for The Ohio Alliance for Arts Education. She enjoys reading, traveling, dancing, and hearing jokes from students in the cafeteria.