•  Week of May 15, 2017  

    Monday: EOY science test.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Examination: The Cell; study guide due.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  TBA
     Week of May 8, 2017  
    Monday (B)/Tuesday (A) (testing schedule): Genetics activity: Do Your Earlobes Hang Down. 
     Wednesday (B) (testing schedule):  DVD: Cell Cycles
     Thursday (A): Field Trip
    Friday (Monday Schedule): Review for Exam on The Cell.
    Week of May 1, 2017  
     Monday: Complete Alien Project and present.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Exercise: What are Chromosomes? .
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Quiz: Cell Structure and Function; genetics exercise
    Week of April 24, 2017  
     Monday: The bacteria.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Cell organelles; illustration of the animal cell.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Cover Q&A for Solar System Exam.
    Week of April 17, 2017  
     Monday: Complete Space Aliens project.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Review for Exam on Solar System.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Exam: Solar System.
    Week of April 10, 2017 
    Monday (B)/Tuesday (A): Complete research of Outer Planet foldable, mythology of the planets; complete foldables/travel brochures.
    Wednesday (B)/Thursday (A):  Quiz on outer planets; Space Alien project.
     Friday: Holiday.
    Week of April 3, 2017  
     Monday: Gas giants; DVD: Outer Planets.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Foldable/travel brochure on outer planets.  Students encouraged to bring electronic devices (smart phone, laptop) to class for research
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):   Quiz on the Sun; history of spaceflight.
    Week of March 27, 2017  
    Monday: Quiz: Inner Planets
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  The structure and function of the layers of the Sun.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  The outer planets.
    Week of March 20, 2017  
      Monday: Q&A for Atmosphere Exam.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Foldable for Inner Planets
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Components of the solar system; DVD: The Planets.
    Week of March 6, 2017  
     Monday: Wrap up atmosphere unit.
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Unit Exam: Atmosphere; study guide due.
     Thursday/Friday: Science Fair scores.  Science fair presentations.
    Week of February 27, 2017 
     Monday:  Activity: Coriolis effect; composition of air.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): Check in science fair projects; review for unit exam on atmosphere.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Introduction to Solar System--TPE exercise; DVD: The Planets; study guides.
    Week of February 20, 2017 
    Monday (B)/Tuesday (A): Quiz on Layers of the Atmosphere; cover Q&A for Earth Science Exam; complete Weather Mapping activity.
    Wednesday (Early Dismissal): Activity: Weather in a Bottle.
    Thursday/Friday: Composition of air; transfer of energy in the Atmosphere.
    Week of February 13, 2017 
     Monday:   Activity: Does Air Have Mass?
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):   Air masses, weather fronts.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Activity: Weather Mapping.
     Week of February 6, 2017 
    Monday:   Overview of  weather and extreme weather conditions.
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):   Unit Exam on Earth Science; study guide due. Tuesday 10:30 to Noon: Sixth-grade science fair on campus.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Layers of the atmosphere exercise. If not completed in class, due Monday.
    Week of January 30, 2017 
     Monday:  Quiz on Seafloor Spreading and Deep Sea Vents; Complete Volcanoes 101 project. Homework due: Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Earthquakes exercise; Introduce Unit on Atmosphere: TPE exercise.
      Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Review for Unit Exam on Earth Sciences.
    Week of January 23, 2017
     Monday (B)/Tuesday (A):  Volcanoes 101 activity.
     Wednesday:  Early dismissal schedule.  All classes. Discuss science fair projects due in March.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Earth quakes, seismic waves, faults
    Week of January 16, 2017
     Monday: Holiday.
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): Rock cycle: Rock collection exercise
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Volcanoes 101 activity; quiz on volcanoes and Earth's layers.
    Week of January 9, 2017
     Monday:  Generic Volcano Illustration.
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Research on volcanoes and impact of eruptions on environment.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Sea floor spreading.
    Week of January 2, 2017
     Wednesday:  Introduce Earth Science 
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Science Fair projects due. Earth's layers exercise.
    Week of December 12, 2016
     Monday:  Science fair issues; January science fairs due January 2nd and 3rd.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Unit Exam: Force and Motion.  Study guides due day of exam
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  TPE thinking routine for Earth Science.
    Week of December 5, 2016
     Monday:  Quiz: Force and Motion
     Tuesday (A):  
    Wednesday (B): Marble Roll activity
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Review for Unit Exam: Force and Motion
     Week of November 28, 2016
    Monday:  Roller coasters and Newton's Laws of Motion
    Tuesday (A): Marble Roller Coaster activity
    Wednesday (B):  Field Trip
    Thursday (A): Marble Roll activity
    Friday (B):   Marble Roller Coaster activity
    Week of November 21, 2016
      Monday (B)/Tuesday (A):   Activity: Bouncing Ball
    Three day holiday. 
    Week of November 14, 2016
     Monday (B)/Tuesday (A): Review for Unit Exam.
    Wednesday: Early dismissal.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Exam on Chemical Bonding, Mixtures, Phase Changes. Study guide due.
    Week of November 7, 2016
     Monday:  Begin Force and Motion Unit; DVD: Gravity
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): TPE thinking routine for Force and Motion.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Quiz on chemical bonding and mixtures.  Newtonian Car activity.
    Week of October 31, 2016
     MondayGraphing Gas Behavior.
      Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): Phase Changes activity.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):   Ionic bonding experiment: Silver nitrate and copper.
    Week of October 24, 2016
    MondayExam on Atoms and the Periodic Table. Study guide due.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Forming compounds by ionic bonding.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Activity: single replacement chemical reaction demonstrating ionic bonding.
    Week of October 17, 2016
    Monday: Quiz on structure of atoms and using the Periodic Table. DVD: Periodic Table
    Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): How elements form compounds by covalent bonding. The Mickey Mouse water molecule.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Review for Exam on Atoms and Periodic Table.
    Week of October 10, 2016
      Monday: Atomic Numbers and Atomic Mass exercise.
     Tuesday: Graphing class data from Penny Test Lab activity.
     Wednesday: Holiday
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Drawing Atoms exercise.
     Week of October 3, 2016
     MondayComplete "Particles of Matter," DVD: Atoms
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B): Review for Exam on Scientific Method and Metric Measurement;
      Thursday (A)/Friday (B):  Exam on Scientific Method and Metric Measurement; Study guide due.
    Week of September 26, 2016
      Monday: Assign Study Guide for Exam on scientific method and metric system. Will count as a homework grade. Review for quiz. [The exam will be Oct. 3rd & 4th]
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Quiz on science vocabulary terms; Penny Test Lab activity
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): TPE thinking routine concerning structure of an atom; Illustration of the boron atom.
     Week of September 19, 2016
     Monday (B)/Tuesday (A): HISD Snapshot test; Matter and Energy exercise
    Wednesday: Early dismissal. DVD: Energy
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Measuring Mass: Triple Beam Balance
    Week of September 12, 2016
     Monday:What is Science exercise.
      Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Spontaneous Generation and Controlled Experiments. To be completed in class.
     Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Quiz on Scientific Method; Metric Measurement: Volume and determining volume by displacement
    Week of September 5, 2016
     Monday: Holiday--no classes.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Billy Bob's Science Fair Project exercise (introduce scientific method and controlled experimentation), complete TPE thinking exercise.
      Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Come Fly With Us activity
    Week of August 29, 2016
     Monday: The BOY test (beginning of year science pretest).  Testing for pre-knowledge. 
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):   Introduction to scientific method using thinking routine (TPE); DVD: History of Measurement. Warm-up: measuring length.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Metric Measurement activity: Measuring Length and Distance.
    Week of August 22, 2016
     MondayClass overview and expectations.
     Tuesday (A)/Wednesday (B):  Laboratory Safety; Lab safety DVD: The Chem Games; take Lab Safety Contract home to be signed by parental unit.
    Thursday (A)/Friday (B): Quiz on Laboratory Safety; return signed Lab Safety Contract; Cool Graphing exercise (line and bar grafts, interpreting data tables); assign textbooks (to be taken home--theirs to keep--forever).