• HISD Attendance Policy 

    Any student served by the school district is considered enrolled in the district. A student must be in attendance for at least two hours to be considered present for one-half day and for at least four hours to be considered present for one full day. These time limits refer to instructional time, not including lunch, homeroom, passing periods, or other non-instructional time.
    Absences – School Notification

    Schools shall attempt to notify parents or guardians when a student has three absences.

    What to do if your child is absent or tardy

    Students who have been absent or tardy must present a written excuse from the parents or guardian when they return to school. Excuses for absences and tardies are: 

    • personal illness

    • sickness or death in the family

    • quarantine

    • weather or road conditions making travel dangerous

    • participation in school activities with


      of the principal

    • juvenile court proceeding documented by a probation officer

    • approved college visitation

    • emergencies

    • or "any other cause acceptable to


      , principal, or superintendent"

    Written excuses should be in the school's possession no later than three school days after the date of the absence or tardy. The three-day period begins with the day the student returns to school.

    Are tardies absences?

    Students must be present at least 35 minutes of the class period (or 60 minutes of a 90-minute class period) in order to be considered in attendance unless they are participating on a field trip or other activity approved by the principal.


    Unexcused tardies are not converted to unexcused absences. Tardies are a disciplinary issue.