Jian Xi
Room: 212
Course Title: Mandarin Chinese 7
Course Description:
Introduction to pronunciation, reading, writing and conversation in Mandarin, designed for students with no Chinese language background. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for further Chinese study and strive for an all-round development of Basic Mandarin. For this year, students will be able to learn and apply the Chinese phonetic system; they will learn greetings, numbers, dates, time, family members, food and drink, colors, fruits, clothing; they will learn the vocabulary related to the topics, the grammar and idiomatic expressions they need to communicate about the topics, and the cultural information that helps to contextualize the language use.
Course Topics:
Pinyin system & basic strokes,
Family members,
Food and drink,
Discovering Chinese (Textbook 1)
Discovering Chinese (Workbook 1)
Late Work Policy:
- Two class periods for late assignments;
- Late assignments must be turned in within 5 school days; after five days -10% off the earned grade, 10% maximum penalty.
- All late work must be submitted prior to the end of the current marking period. Students are encouraged to submit all late work prior to the end of each progress report, and the end of each cycle. Teachers are not advised to accept any late work after the Friday before grades are due.
- If no work is submitted for an assignment by the Friday before the end of a marking period, that assignment will receive a grade of MSG or 0.
Grading Categories & Weights:
Learning will count for 70% of a student’s overall average and Assessments will count for 30% of a student’s overall average.
- Learning includes:
- Daily- graded assessments and other products/activities that reflect students’ learning;
- A balance of assignments such as classwork, quizzes, exit tickets, checkpoints, and homework;
- Assessments include:
- Summative assessments, tests, or projects that reflect student learning.
Behavior Expectations:
Follow directions; Raise your hand to speak; Be a good listener; Respect each other; Always do your best.
Required Materials:
A binder, a spiral notebook, a pen, a pencil, an eraser
Student Support Strategies:
- Strengthen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Mandarin through engaging activities, both individual and group work.
- Understand what students know and need to learn and then challenge and support them to learn it well.