Senior Off-Campus
Twelfth-grade students may leave Jones Futures Academy before dismissal at 3:30PM if they meet the criteria.
The privilege of obtaining 3rd and 4th Period off-Campus on Monday - Friday with parent consent is reserved for seniors who have demonstrated personal responsibility in all aspects of their academic and financial obligations. In addition, it requires students to consistently adhere to the policies described below.
Requirements to Participate in the Senior Off-Campus Privilege Program
- Senior Off-Campus is for periods only noted on the student's schedule.
- The student MUST be clear of ALL fees/fines/lost equipment. (Textbooks, or Fines/PSAT) by the first day of school. There will be a wait period after students clear their record due to the time needed for staff to update school records.
- The student must have successfully completed 20 credits prior to the beginning of their senior year and 23 credits prior to spring semester.
- Any unauthorized use or possession of school ID will result in privileges being revoked Students that have off-campus are not exempt from any school policy (dress code, cellphone etc..) simply because they have “Off-Campus”.
- Loitering in any unsupervised area on or within 300 feet of the campus constitutes a violation of the HISD student Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action consequences and loss of Off-Campus privilege.
- The student must leave campus. If the student remains on campus without authorization or written pass from administrator or teacher, Off-Campus privilege may be revoked.
- Any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct or JFA campus rules could result in revocation of the off-campus privilege.
- Administration reserves the right to revoke the Senior-Off-Campus privilege due to violations of the Student Code of Conduct and/or failure to meet credit requirements stipulated above.
- Must not be enrolled in any credit recovery (Attendance or Grade Program)
Please see Ms. Thomas for the Off-Campus Permission Form.