Course Name: Architectural Design / Principle of Architecture
Teacher: Mrs. Maha Basileh
Email: maha.basileh@houstonisd.org
Tutorial Hours: TBA
Course Description:
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in architecture or construction. Additionally, it establishes a solid groundwork for those considering further studies in architecture, construction science, drafting, interior design, or landscape architecture at the postsecondary level.
Architectural Design I covers a comprehensive understanding of design principles, design history, techniques, and tools pertinent to creating drawings, renderings, and scaled models for both nonresidential and residential architectural applications.
Objective/Skills - by the end of the course the students will master:
· Know the basic history architecture and be able to list and identify various architectural styles
· Build skills in problem solving and analytical thinking.
. Apply various design and environmental factors to architectural plans in a practical efficient and correct manner.
· Apply the various CAD techniques to architectural plans in a practical, efficient, and correct manner.
· Understand and apply the various symbols, dimensioning and notes to variety of projects.
. Create 3D images and models using software.
Class Goals:
· 80% of students will be able to gain AutoCAD certification.
. 90% of students will be able to create a full set of Architectural drawings.
· 90% of students will provide a creative design portfolio for different design industry.
· 98% attendance by all students (teamwork).
· Class Mastery of 85% (teamwork).
Class Expectations:
· Maintain a consistently respectful and polite demeanor towards me, fellow faculty members, and your peers.
· Arrive on time and prepared, whether it's having your computer set up to the template or your traditional tools (pencil, paper) ready before the bell rings.
· When the tardy bell rings, be seated with your binder and homework out, and start engaging with the "DO NOW" activity. ·
Adhere to instructions, stay focused on tasks, and actively participate in asking and answering questions.
.Absolutely no consumption of food, gum, or beverages is permitted within the classroom. · Keep cell phones, iPads, iPods, laptops, and other electronic devices concealed and silenced unless specifically allowed by the teacher.
· Air pods and headphones should not be visible or used in the classroom unless granted permission by the teacher. · Demonstrate responsibility, put forth effort, exhibit enthusiasm, and engage actively in the learning process.
· Adhere to laboratory policies and procedures, including the appropriate use of machines, materials, and tools, following clean-up routines, and adhering to safety protocols.
· Treat all computerized or plotting equipment with care and respect.
Architect Binder:
The architect's identity is represented by their portfolio. You are required to gather all assignments and homework in a binder. Maintaining the cleanliness and organization of your binder is your responsibility. Remember, this binder is your gateway to your future career—ensure it remains pristine, distinctive, and impressive!
Daily Assignment and Homework:
Assignment are to be submitted at the right time, remember it is you exercising how to be organized and manager to your time and work!
Late Work Policy:
Any assignment that is not turned in the day the teacher assigns it to be due is considered late. Students may turn in late work with a 10 point penalty for each day it is late, up to 5 days only. The assignment will be automatically graded as zero after the 5th day.
Being Absent - Make-up Work:
Students will take on the responsibility of identifying any missed assignments or notes during their absence and completing them promptly. Obtaining makeup assignments from the teacher is the student's responsibility. All makeup work must be turned in on the day following their return to school, without exceptions unless authorized by the teacher.
Electronic Device Policy:
If a student is seen using an electronic device when not permitted or if the device is heard disrupting class, it will be confiscated and taken to the office. Please review school rules.
If any devices are seen or heard before, during, or after a homework check, quiz, or test, the student will be assumed to be cheating. That student will be given a 0 on the given assignment.
Guidelines for Care of Tools and Equipment:
Responsibility: It is essential for every student to handle tools and equipment with care and responsibility. These tools are vital for your learning and practical experiences in the field of architecture.
Proper Usage: Use tools and equipment solely for their intended purposes. Misusing or mishandling tools can lead to damage or accidents.
Maintenance: Keep tools and equipment clean after use. Proper maintenance ensures their longevity and effective performance.
Storage: Store tools and equipment in their designated places after use. Disorderly storage can lead to loss or damage.
Damage Reporting: If you notice any damage or malfunction in a tool or equipment, promptly inform the instructor so that necessary repairs can be arranged.
Policy on Intentional Damage:
Respect for Property: All students are expected to respect shared tools and equipment. Intentionally damaging tools or equipment is not acceptable and adversely affects the learning environment.
Financial Responsibility: In the unfortunate event that a student intentionally damages any tools or equipment, their parents or guardians will be held financially responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged items.
Open Communication: If any accidental damage occurs during the course of your work, immediately notify the instructor. Honesty and communication are key in maintaining a positive learning atmosphere.
By enrolling in this course, you agree to adhere to these guidelines and policies regarding the care and use of tools and equipment. Remember, these tools are essential assets for your educational journey in architecture. Let's work together to create a productive and respectful learning environment.
Grading :
Quizzes/ Assignment: 40%
Projects: 40%
Tests : 20%
Grading Scale:
· 100 – 90 = A
· 89 – 80 = B
· 79 – 75 = C
· 74 –70 = D
· 69 or below = F