• Welcome to Health Science Theory

    Principles of Health Science


    Instructor’s Name:                                                    Caren Guerra

    Pronouns                                                                     she/her

    Email Address:                                                            caren.guerra@houstonisd.org

    Telephone                                                                   713-733-1111 ext: 6214




    Course Description: Principles of Health Science: Learning the basics of Health science and how you can work in the healthcare world. Learn about basics in different body systems, learning about the business side of healthcare, also about different jobs and what can suit you in your personality.


    Health Science Theory: In this class you will learn a more in-depth version of principles of health science this class will dive deep into many areas of health science, and you will have a more hands-on experience into different professions and if those profession will suit you. Be ready to start learning more about the human body and how things like insurance, administration and people skills can shape your life in Health Science.





    Required Course Materials


    Laptop Fully Charged (All classes)

    Composition/Spiral Bound Notebook (note taking)



    Grading Information



    Health Science Theory

    Principles of Health Science













    Book report/ Research Paper



    Do Nows/ Exit tickets





    Course Policies


    Classroom expectations:



    1. Treat others with respect always
    2. Ask for help when you need it.
    3. Respect other people’s property
    4. Be prepared every day with the required items.
    5. Keep your desk tidy.
    6. Listen and follow directions.
    7. Respect your classmates and your teacher (no cussing or derogatory words)
    8. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    9. Be honest, Be kind and Be yourself.



    Classwork/Homework Expectations on Campus: I plan ample work time into our learning day, however, classwork that is not completed in class will be expected to be completed by the next class meeting. Good time management skills will minimize homework.  Homework will be assigned as needed to complete complex or longer assignments.


    Late/missing work: Students will be given an appropriate time frame to submit work due to an excused absence. Please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Guerra to work out new due dates. Unexcused late work will be accepted for an additional 3 days after the due date. Late submissions without an excused absence are subject to a 10% reduction in points. No work will be accepted more than a week overdue without pre-approval. Arrangements should be made to accommodate extended illnesses, vacations, and IEP/504s. Students should check the agenda in Canvas for day-to-day activities when absent.




    Every student is expected to do their own work. Copied work, no matter its source, will be given a zero and not eligible to be made up. Consequences for plagiarism include referral for disciplinary action, parental notification, and loss of points. Citation instructions, if needed, will vary by assignment and will be given at the time of the assignment.


    Classroom Procedures: Please use the restroom and get a drink of water before coming to class. Students must pick up new handouts upon coming to class, get your daily file, and any materials necessary prior to sitting down. Tame your technology, turn off your sound/power on your cell phone and put it away in your backpack or in your assigned cell phone pocket. Be prepared to start class ON TIME!!


    Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones should be silenced and put away during class time at all times. If your family needs to get ahold of you in case of emergency, they can call the main office 713-733-1111. Consequences for using a cell phone in will include verbal warnings, requests to place the cell phone in the student’s cubby, phone call to parents, and finally referral for detention. The exception to the cell phone policy is at the teacher’s discretion for classroom games such as kahoot. Consequences for cell phone infractions are as follows:


    1. Verbal reminder to put cell phone away
    2. Student will be asked to place their cell phone in charging station away from student
    3. Phone call to parents/guardians
    4. Disciplinary referral


    Scent Free:  Please do not apply scented products in the classroom. If you need hand sanitizer or lotion, I provide scent free versions.


    Technology: Jones Futures Academy does not allow the use of earbuds or headphones in the classroom for non-academic purposes. Occasionally I will have students watch different videos for educational purposes. I will inform you when you need personal audio devices.


    Restroom/Water Passes: No student will be excused in the first 15 mins or last 15 mins of class. Please use your passing period for restroom and water breaks. Only 1 student may go to the restroom at a time. Excessive use of bathroom passes will result in the loss of passes. Students will sign in/out when leaving the classroom.


    Absences: Students should access the agenda in Canvas when absent. The agenda will be uploaded daily with instructions and downloadable copies of the assignments when available. See late and missing work for assignment extension details.


    Finally, please see me when you have questions that you can’t answer in Canvas. DO NOT wait until the next class meeting if you have homework questions. Feel free to email/Teams messenger me questions in the evening, IF I am available at night I will respond. If I can’t get back to you right away I will the next day.