Reading and Writing Logs Information
Reading at home (outside of school) makes a HUGE difference in a student’s school success. Confidence, creativity, and self-expression are just a few benefits from daily writing.
The Reading Log(RLog) requirements:
- 30 minutes, daily (use a timer if it helps!)
- Choose a book that interests student, independent reading (IR)
- Reading Level Appropriate for student
- No Repeat Reads (new books for student)
- No Graphic Novels
- Parent Signature required
- All Sections correctly, legibly filled-in
- Use the single form (per grading cycle) distributed by teacher
- RLog Due Friday before class begins
- Grade will be collected for this activity
The Writing Log(WLog) requirements:
- Single page entry of daily writing (end no less than 5 lines from bottom)
- Minimum of three days of entries required (previous week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,)
- Can be about current IR text, daily experience, emotions, or writing prompt
- Entry date in the top right corner for each entry
- Begin writing on top line, do not skip lines
- WLog notebook front cover may be decorated with stickers, pictures, quotes, etc.
- WLog Due Thursday, by the end of class period
- Grade will be collected for this activity