

    Mrs. Suparna Vashisht


    E-Mail: svashish@houstonisd.org                                                  

    Planning Time:  10:20 am - 11:10 am


    T.H.Rogers is excited to be one of the pilot campuses for Eureka Math. Through this curriculum, 5th graders will explore mathematical content to develop a deeper understanding of previously learned concepts and skills.  Students will learn to communicate mathematical ideas and reasoning and make real world connections.  They will learn to represent these ideas in multiple ways and to problem solve to develop higher order thinking.  Students will actively engage in interesting and relevant real-world applications.  They will also create and use representations to organize, record, communicate and investigate mathematical ideas.

    Math class will consist of both individual work and group work. Most days the students will also be assigned homework.  The students are expected to follow classroom rules and procedures.  I hope to make math class enjoyable in an environment in which the students will flourish academically and feel safe.  Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns you might have.

    Math Objectives:



    • Demonstrate an understanding of basic math functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    • Be able to simplify a given expression containing more than one math function.
      Be able to solve problems dealing with basic geometry.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of fractions, decimals, and percents.
    • Be able to solve a given word problem using various mathematical operations.
    • Develop a basic understanding of personal financial literacy.
    • Analyze mathematical relationships.
    • Explore mathematical applications in various careers.



    All grades will be recorded in Power School. Grades will be weighted based on categories of:

    Learning 70%- Class work and in-class assignments



    Assessment 30%

    Tests/Major Projects; 



    *No “extra credit”: To earn the best grade, complete work on time

    90-100              A Excellent
    80-89                B Above Average
    75-79                C Average
    70-74                D Below Average
    69 or below        F Unsatisfactory


    Course Resources:

    Eureka Math

    Singapore Math methodology

    Study Island
    Zearn through CANVAS
    Hands-On Activities

    Additional teacher created materials

    A variety of literature 


    Expectations of Student Behavior: 

    Please refer to the student/parent handbook in the daily planner for school wide rules. Students are expected to follow the expectations posted in the classroom.  The Houston Independent School District Code of Student Conduct will also be enforced.


     Presentation of Rules and Procedures:

    During the first week of school, all rules and consequences are reviewed with the students in each class. I do not believe in punishing, but rather use natural or relative consequences and reflection as a tool to guide students. Rules and expectations will be reviewed throughout the year, when needed. Expectations are posted in the classroom. Students are encouraged to take responsibility and ownership of their choices.



    Classwork and Homework Policy: 

    We encourage students to take pride in their work, therefore all work should be neat, complete, on time, and represent the child’s best effort. Due to individual differences in learning styles and work habits, time spent on homework each night will vary from child to child. 



    Late Work: 

    All homework, and unfinished classwork is due by Friday in the week,  unless indicated otherwise by the teacher. Late work will be accepted  with a deduction of 10% as a penalty. While the school policy allows for upto 14 days to submit missing work, it is encouraged that students turn in their work in a timely manner.

    Absence Procedure: 

    We must have a parent note, e-mail, or phone call explaining an absence when a student returns to school. All communications must be sent to the attendance office when the child returns to school. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence. Work following an excused absence must be made up within two school days.


    Communication with Parents: 

    Communication will take place through the teacher webpage  on THR website and the HUB.   We are happy to meet for a parent-teacher conference through Microsoft Teams, throughout the week.  Unannounced or unplanned visits are discouraged, as we meet as a team to be able to fully answer any questions and address any issues necessary.  Please email us to set up a convenient conference time.