Athletics Paperwork
Before athletes can participate in UIL sports at Mickey Leland, all athletic paperwork must be submitted to the Register My Athlete portal. These forms are to be completed annually.
The documents provided in the portal will need external signatures and/or notarization before uploading:
- Physical Form, must be signed by a physician.
- Insurance Waiver (must be notarized) if not buying HISD Insurance for $35. There will be an electronic payment option in 2021-2023 Waiver
- First time Mickey Leland athletes ONLY: If this is the first time you will be competing in UIL sports with Mickey Leland, you must also complete a Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF) even if you did not participate in sports at your last school. This is initiated electronically from your RegisterMyAthlete account.
Online Athletic Paperwork Instructions For Parents
Register My Athlete allows parents to register their student-athletes for sports online. Here are some basic steps to follow when registering your athlete for the first time:
- Create an Account/Log In: Go to Register My Athlete and click Login. Then click Create Account. If you already have an account, just log in with your email/username and password. Now that you are logged in, click on the Parent access portal.
- Start a Registration: To start a registration, click on Start/Complete Registrations on the left-hand side, then select Click Here to Start New Registration. The first step will be to select your school and athlete. If this is your first registration, you will need to add a new athlete. If you have already added the athlete, you will have the option to select a previously added athlete.
- Select Year and Sport: The next step prompts you to select the year as well as the sport the athlete will be participating in. Once this section has been submitted, any information up to this point will not be able to be changed. Please review information carefully before submitting.
- Your Registration Checklist: This page shows the status of your athlete’s registration. You will be asked to complete several steps to register. These may include updating information such as medical, insurance, guardian info, and completing the School Questionnaire to determine eligibility and whether a transfer is necessary. Essentially, click on the next red bar available to complete it. The School Requirements bar will be available when all other bars are green(complete).
- Additional Opportunities: Here athlete’s and parents are given a chance to sign up for other services. If you select Yes to the NCSA they will be redirected to another site. If you are not interested, please select no and click “Continue.”
- School Forms: Allows you to electronically fill out and complete school forms required for a registration. You will need to fill out and complete each form individually. Click on the “Click to fill out form” button. Fill out all required information dates, E-Signatures, addresses, etc. You will not be able to submit the form until everything is complete. After all information is filled in, click “Submit” at the bottom of the page. After your forms have been submitted you will not be able to go in and make changes without school approval. After your form has been submitted, the status will show complete. You can then click on “View Completed Form”. This will open up a new window, with your completed form in PDF format you will be able to print and or download.
- Registration Checklist: This section is where documents will be read and agreed to, legally binding E-Signatures will be completed, physicals will be uploaded, and fees can be paid if required. Once this section is complete, the registration is complete. Any requirements here that require the parent to upload a document will also require that the school’s athletic administration approve the document, so please do not be alarmed if the status is Pending School Approval.
*You must upload a copy of your insurance card front AND back if you are not purchasing HISD insurance for $35.
- Complete Registration: Your registration is complete once all items on the checklist have been completed.
Additional Athletes: If you have additional student-athletes to register, you can start a new registration and add them as an athlete. Once you add them, they will be available to select next time.
Future Seasons & Years: For future years, once your athlete has been added to your account you only need to start a new registration and select them as the athlete. This should speed up the process.
Thank you,
Byron Shelton
Athletic Coordinator
- Physical Form, must be signed by a physician.