About Ms. Coronado
Ms. Coronado
6th Grade ELA/ReadingAbout Ms. Coronado
I have had the pleasure of being part of the Mickey Leland community since it has opened. I received my B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Houston-Downtown and my M.Ed. in Educational Leader from the University of North Texas.
Course Description
Our work in this class will be challenging and rewarding, and yes, we will even have some fun! Success in this classroom is attainable for all students, and I pledge to give 100% of my effort and skill to ensure that you are afforded this opportunity.
The best advice that I can give you is to do your work! The best advice I can give you in achieving excellence and an A is to DO YOUR WORK WELL! With your commitment, dedication, responsibility, willingness to work together, and desire to learn, you will be successful!
Email: jcoronad@houstonisd.orgPhone: (713) 226-2668Conference: B Days 12:30PM-2PMRemind: Text @bfh7aca to 81010I look forward to working with you to ensure your son’s success this year at MLCPA!All the best,Ms. Coronado

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