• Program for Preparing Students for Independence

    Preparing Students for Independence (PSI) program serves students aged 3 - 22 whose disabilities severely impair their performance in cognitive and developmental areas. An Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee determines if a student’s educational needs would be best met in a PSI class.
    T.H. Rogers serves students who live in the West Region and whose unique needs cannot be appropriately met in a school closer to their home (as determined by the Office of Special Education).

    Program for Skills for Learning and Living
    Approximately 25 students in grades 1—12.

    Core academic classes consist of English Language Arts of Life, Reading for Life, Math for Life, science for Life, Social Studies for Life, personal Health for Life, and Vocational Skills for Life for all grade levels.

    Sixth through twelfth-grade students may participate in Special Olympics Bowling and Track and Field.

    Students participate in core enrichment classes, such as Music, Art, and PE. Our students are mainstreamed with Vanguard students in as many enrichment classes as possible. Field trips are attended with students in the Vanguard, Middle School Deaf, and PSI programs.

    Older high school students may participate in Community Based Vocational Instruction - going off-campus to various work sites. 
    Curriculum Design
    An integrated program is developed for each student based on the student's Individual Education Program (lEP).
    The district adopted the Motor Activities Training Program (MATP), a Special Olympics sports skills program to support the development of motor skills. 
    Collaborative team interaction curriculum approach among the parents, teacher(s), paraprofessional(s), and other service providers.

    Additional team members may include a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, orientation and mobility specialist, and itinerant teacher for students who have auditory or visual impairments. (Eligibility for services by the different professionals is established through the ARD process.)