What Magnet Programs does JY offer?


    Digital Communications: Audio / Video Production - (JY Cinema)


               What opportunities for magnet students do we have to participate in real world college and career experiences?


    Audio Video Production is an introduction and overview of the visual and audio media world. Students learn the fundamentals of video and audio production using professional equipment. Pop Quiz: How do cameras capture light and record images as analog or digital information? The entire Dual Credit program is real world college and career preparation! Students usually earn at least one industry based certification, and between 6 and 18 semester hours from Houston Community College with 100% of the students earning college acceptances. Some students graduate with a Level 1 Certificate in film making, which validates entry level positions into the workforce. Students in the program are introduced into many phases of the Digital Communications industry, including making TV shows, short films, comedies, documentaries, commercials, and cartoons! Students not only submit their creative assignments for grades, but also for Film Festivals, scholarship opportunities, to prepare for their future!  A countless number of students have graduated from the School Of Communications and gained skills that have translated into many careers, including Emmy Award Winning T.V. Producers, Directors, Lawyers, Professional Athletes, Business Owners, Engineers, Politicians, Educators, Entertainers, and more.

                                                                                      Who will be the next JY student to turn legend?




    GRAPHIC DESIGN & INTERACTIVE MEDIA (Commercial Photography)


                 What opportunities for magnet students do we have to participate in real world college and career experiences?


    Students enrolled in Commercial Photography I & II have the opportunity to engage in various experiences that prepare them for college and/or the career field. Many students have documented events that take place on college campuses to gain a better understanding of the college experience, while also deepening their work sample portfolios that would assist them in gaining entry into a related academic program. In the past, students have been offered internships and opportunities to capture photographs on behalf of Houston ISD Media, the Anderson Center, Project Row Houses, and the Emancipation Park Conservancy. Each year, students engage in real world exhibition opportunities by showcasing their work in museum spaces. (Museum of Fine Arts and Winter Street Studios)

    Students are learning the skills and knowledge associated with industry-based standards of photography and are utilizing professional camera equipment to build portfolios that will be showcased on a website. A selected group of advanced students will work towards gaining their business credentials to have full-fledged companies by the time they graduate.

    In Graphic Design class,  students create and design content with the intent of the work being displayed digitally through cell phones, computers, monitors, social media, etc.) Students will be able to apply their understanding of the terminology and tools in software applications such as Adobe In Design, Illustrator, and Canvas. As well as build a portfolio of various Digital Art Projects. As work-based opportunities arrive, some students may be able to earn profits from their original content.




    Digital Audio Technology: Music Production 

    What opportunities for magnet students do we have to  participate in real world college and career experiences?


    This magnet program was designed to provide students interested in audio production careers such as audio for radio and television broadcasting, audio for video and film, audio for animation and game design, music production and live sound, and additional opportunities and skill sets. Students in Music Production experience field trips to music studios, White Oak Concert Hall,  and Texas Southern University's Radio Broadcasting Studio and Program. Students also create beats and songs, and can participate more in dept music production training through the after-school Music Production Club. Advanced students also have opportunities to DJ at campus events such as Volleyball Games, Basketball Games, and Academic Showcases.





    MARITIME (Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics)


    What opportunities for magnet students do we have to participate in real world college and career experiences?



    Maritime - The Maritime program of study introduces students to the occupations and education opportunities related to operating water vessels, maintenance procedures, maritime navigational aids, maritime traffic controls, and communications equipment to ensure conformance with federal safety regulations. There are an overwhelming number of career opportunities for magnet students in the Maritime / Logistics workforce. TSU has a week-long Maritime Summer camp (for which they pay students for attending the camp. In addition, TSU has a Maritime BS Degree, and awards a variety of scholarships to the students in the program. San Jacinto Maritime College offers a 2-year associate degree to students, and upon graduation, students can have the opportunity to start earning six-figure salaries. San Jacinto College's Maritime program also hosts a summer maritime camp for the students as well. We are currently seeking to partner with a tow boat company for experience and networking. JY's Maritime Academy's instructors are also exploring summer internship opportunities. We take Magnet students on tour to Texas A&M Maritime College for tours and orientation so students can learn about the programs at TAMU Galveston.


    In agreement with Houston Community College, we offer an 18-hour certificate in Global Supply Chain in Maritime Logistics. In addition, during students' junior and senior years of high school, students are trained and have the opportunity to be certified as a Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT); both of which are Business Industry Certifications and highly sought after in the commercial world.


    As a member of the Maritime program, students receive their TWIC card and will be trained and certified in Forklift Operation and Safety. Upon graduation from the one and only Jack Yates, in agreement with Seafarers International Union and Port Houston, some students will be given the opportunity to apply and attend (at the lowest cost) one year at the Paul Hall Maritime Academy (located in Piney Point, Maryland. Upon graduation, graduates are GUARANTEED Maritime employment and job location. Both JY Maritime Instructors are authorized to train and provide the opportunity for the student to earn the nationally recognized by the NCCER CORE BASIC certification. Last but not least, there are a myriad of Field Trips, Guest Speakers, Tours and Conferences the magnet students are exposed to in learning about the Maritime and Logistics careers.



    Click Here to Learn More about JY's Magnet Programs