Vision Plans

  • Basic and Plus options

    • Both options have a retail frame allowance of $150.
    • With both, you receive a 40 percent discount off a second pair of glasses at most participating in-network providers.
    • Both give you access to online ordering tools, including and
    • Both options offer in- and out-of-network benefits.
    • There’s a copay, but both options offer added coverage for progressive lenses and lens options, including UV coating, tint, basic polycarbonate, and standard anti-reflective lenses.
    • Both cover an annual in-network eye exam for a $10 copay.
    • Both cover eyeglass lenses or contacts every 12 months after a set materials copay of $20 for Basic and $10 for Plus.
    • Vision Basic covers new frames every 24 months; Vision Plus covers new frames every 12 months.

    Employee: $1.83
    Employee + Spouse: $3.46 
    Employee + Child(dren): $3.62
    Employee + Family: $6.76 

    Employee: $2.86
    Employee + Spouse: $5.67
    Employee + Child(dren): $5.95

    Employee + Family: $9.12

    Coverage comparisons
    Check the Vision Basic and Vision Plus plan summaries for details.

    Helpful resources
    For more information or help of any kind, call EyeMed customer service at 844-409-3402 or visit the EyeMed website. You can also use the EyeMed Members App to learn about benefits, schedule appointments, find a provider and much more.

    To find coverage for eye care, frames, contact lenses or to find a provider visit the EyeMed members page.