• Do the Healthcare FSA, Day Care FSA, Limited Purpose FSA, and HSA funds roll over from year to year?

  • Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs and Medicines without Prescription (section 3702)

  • You may have money left in your FSA! Don't forget to use your funds and submit eligible claims. For details, view this PDF.

    dad and son in bicycle

    The simple way to save for health and dependent care expenses is with the PayFlex, your Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

    Health Care FSA

    • You can contribute pretax dollars from your paycheck, up to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limit of $3,300.*
    • Your full contribution is available at the start of the plan year to pay for eligible health care expenses. It covers you, your spouse and/or your tax dependents for:
      -Copays, coinsurance, and deductibles
      -Dental expenses like orthodontia, crowns, and bridges
      -Vision expenses like LASIK eye surgery, glasses, and contacts
      -Prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) items**

    Dependent Day Care FSA

    • You can contribute pretax dollars from your paycheck, up to the IRS limit of $5,000.*
    • Funds are for your dependent(s) age twelve or younger, or a spouse or dependent incapable of self-care.
    • Pays for eligible child and adult care expenses, such as daycare, preschool and nursery school, in-home aid, and more.

    Limited Purpose FSA

    • You can contribute pretax dollars from your paycheck, up to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limit of $3,300.*
    • Your full contribution is available at the start of the plan year to pay for eligible health care expenses. It covers you, your spouse and/or your tax dependents for:
      -Copays, coinsurance, and deductibles for dental and vision expenses only.
      -Dental expenses like orthodontia, crowns, and bridges
      -Vision expenses like LASIK eye surgery, glasses, and contacts.

    Pay with ease 
    We’ll show you how simple it is to pay for your eligible expenses:

    • Use the Zynera Card®, your account debit card: When you use the Zynera debit card (if offered), your expense is automatically paid from your FSA.
    • Pay yourself back: Pay for eligible expenses with cash, a check or your personal credit card. Then submit a claim to pay yourself back. For speed, have your claims payment deposited directly into your checking or savings account.
    • Pay your provider: Use Zynera’s online feature (if offered) to pay your provider directly from your account

    For additional information, view the member PDF flyer or visit Zynera at https://hisd.zynerahealth.com/ to get started.