Meet the top students from HISD’s Class of 2015
Each spring, the Houston Independent School District honors the top two scholars at each of its high schools with a formal celebration of their outstanding academic achievements.
Dashuang, left, and Xiao-Shuang Liang
In 2015, the district recognized the valedictorians and salutatorians of its 47 high schools during a special ceremony held on April 7. A valedictorian has earned the highest grade-point average in his or her graduating class, and the student with the second-highest grade-point average is designated as the salutatorian.At Lee High School, twin sisters Dashuang and Xiao-Shuang Liang shared top billing, as they tied for the valedictorian spot.“These two young ladies have done exceptionally well,” said Lee Registrar Xernona Martin. “They always find time to incorporate studying into the most unique places—such as on field trips, in the cafeteria, or during student assemblies, just to name a few. We are extremely proud of these sisters, and we know they will achieve academic excellence at the University of Texas at Austin.”To see photos and read the biographies of each valedictorian and salutatorian, please click on the links below.To see photos from the Scholars Banquet, please visit the HISD Facebook page by clicking here.
The HISD valedictorians and salutatorians for 2014–2015 are: