Tips for Submitting Common Public Information Requests

  • Bid Tab Request: 

    • Always include the RFP Project Number and description of project when requesting bid tabulation for a project.
    • Documents responsive to requests for bid proposals may contain third party information which could require an Attorney General ruling request. If that is the case, you will be notified in writing.

    Student List Request:

    • Student directory information can only be released pursuant to Board Policy FL(LOCAL). For student list requests, always include the school name(s) and grade level(s) desired.
      • The standard fields provided in Student Lists are as follows:
        Student Name - Address - Phone.
    • The information provided is ONLY for “unrestricted” students
    • Student Lists are provided in Excel Format on CD or E-mail. 

    Retiree List Request:

    • For retiree list requests, always include the date range desired.
      • The standard fields provided in Retiree Lists are as follows:                                 
        Name - Campus Number Location - Position - Email - Address - Phone- Years of Service - Hire Date.
    • Retiree lists does not include personal information for retirees who have elected to opt-out of the disclosure of personal information.
    • Retiree Lists are provided in Excel Format on CD or E-mail.

    Employee List Request: 

    • In instances where the employee has restricted access to their address and phone in accordance with Section 552.024 of the Texas Public Information Act, the address and phone fields are replaced with the word "Restricted" and all other fields of information are provided.
      • The standard fields provided in Employee Lists are as follows:                            
        Name - Department. Description- Job Code Description - E-mail -Address - Phone - Hire Date.
    • Lists are provided in Excel format on CD. The database is too large to be e-mailed. The charge for an employee list is $5.00 for pick up or $7.00 if mailed.  

    Requests for emails:

    In order to conduct a search for emails, the following information must be provided:
    • Correct spelling of name (s);
    • Specific time period (e.g., December 1, 2013-January 31, 2014);
    • Specific search terms (emails between Jane Doe and John Q. Public)
      • Emails Regarding This Particular Topic