- Houston Independent School District
- S
- Summary of Performance
Operating Procedures
Page Navigation
- Accessible Instructional Materials/Accessible Educational Materials
- Adaptive Equipment
- Adult Student And Transfer of Rights
- Alternate Curriculum and Assessment
- ARD-IEP Process
- Assistive Technology
- Attendance
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Audiology Services
- Auditory Impairment
- Auditory Processing Deficits Screening
- Autism
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- Referral for Students with a Suspected Auditory Impairment
- Referral for Students with a Suspected Visual Impairment
- Referral for Texas School for the Blind Comprehensive Program (Regular School Year)
- Referral for Texas School for the Deaf
- Related Services
- Residential Facilities Monitoring
- Rules and Regulations
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Summary of Performance
Framework (What’s Required):
Persons Responsible:
Methods (What We Do):
A summary of performance generally refers to a summary of the child's academic achievement and functional performance, which will include recommendations on how to assist the child with a disability in meeting the child's postsecondary goal
A summary of performance is required for the child whose eligibility terminates due to:
- GRADUATION with a regular high school diploma; or
- Exceeding the age eligibility for a free appropriate public education.
The summary of performance must consider, as appropriate:
- The views of the parent;
- The views of the child; and
- Written recommendations from adult service agencies on how to assist the child in meeting postsecondary goals.
An evaluation must be included as part of the summary of performance for children graduating based on:
- Completion of the credit requirements for graduation under the Foundation High School Program or the Minimum High School Program through courses, one or more of which contain modified curriculum;
- Satisfactory performance on required state assessments, unless the admission, review, and dismissal committee has determined that satisfactory performance on the assessments is not necessary for graduation; and
- Completion of the individualized education program as well as compliance with the GRADUATION framework.