Districtwide Compliance Courses

  • Employees only see the districtwide compliance courses that they are required to take. This will vary for each employee based on the courses they have previously completed and the retraining requirements for each course. Email notifications come from hisdlearningsf-do-not-reply@houstonisd.org.

    Employees will be automatically enrolled in the online compliance courses. Employees will be assigned a curriculum based on their job location. Go to OneSourceMe --> My Learning to see your Learning Assignments.

    Target Completion Date(s) for compliance courses is 30-45 days from the date of assignment to the employee.

    Campus-Based Employees

    Non-Campus Based Employees

    • Appropriate Workplace Behavior * (2.25 hrs)
    • Bloodborne Pathogens (1 hr)
    • Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools (2 hrs)
    • Cash Handling in HISD^ (1 hr) New for 2024
    • Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) (1 hr)
    • Child Find (1 hr)
    • Copyright Laws (1 hr)
    • Cybersecurity (1 hr)
    • Districtwide Employee Safety Training * (2 hrs)
    • Ethics ** (1 hr)
    • FERPA for Educators (1 hr)
    • Food Allergies (1 hr)
    • Professionalism for Campus Staff (1 hr)
    • Seizure Training for School Personnel (1.25 hrs)
    • Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Maltreatment (1.5 hrs)
    • Social Media (1 hr)
    • Student Bullying Awareness (1 hr)
    • Suicide Prevention AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life (1 hr)
    • Appropriate Workplace Behavior * (2.25 hrs)
    • Bloodborne Pathogens (1 hr)
    • Cash Handling in HISD^ (1 hr) New for 2024
    • Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) (1 hr)
    • Copyright Laws *** (1 hr)
    • Cybersecurity *** (1 hr)
    • Districtwide Employee Safety Training * (2 hrs)
    • Ethics ** (1 hr)
    • FERPA 101 for Local Education Agencies *** (1 hr)
    • Food Allergies (1 hr)
    • Seizure Training for School Personnel (1.25 hrs)
    • Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Maltreatment (1.5 hrs)
    • Social Media (1 hr)
    • Student Bullying Awareness (1 hr)
    • Suicide Prevention AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life (1 hr)


    * Required every year
    ** Required once every 2 years
    *** Personnel who do not use a computer as part of their daily job will be assigned an exemption from these technology-related courses.
    ^ Some job groups have been excluded from this assignment.


    For technical issues or to request course reference materials (after completion), email servicedesk@houstonisd.org to open a ticket.

    The Office of Ethics & Compliance Ethics@houstonisd.org will ensure you receive a reminder if assigned courses are not completed in a timely manner.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I've completed a course and received my certificate, but it still shows in My Curricula.

  • How can I check the details of my Curriculum Requirements?

  • I got an email saying I was assigned a course, but when I log into the system, I don't see it.

  • I wasn't assigned a Curriculum. What should I do?

  • I was assigned the wrong curriculum. What should I do?

  • How can I get courses I’m supposed to be exempt from removed from my list?

  • What happens when a new course is added to a curriculum?

  • How can I review the content for compliance courses I’ve completed in the past?

  • How can I check the completion status of my team's Curricula?