• Risk Management

Private Forms & Documents

  • There are no forms or other documents available to the public. Employees must login to see any private forms or other documents available to them.
    If you are an employee and are unable to find a form or other document even after logging in, please contact this department.

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  • You must be connected to the HISD network. When prompted, use your HISD network username and password to log in.

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Contact Us

  • Houston ISD
    Risk Management
    4400 West 18th Street, Houston, Texas 77092.
    Telephone: 713-556-9225
    Fax: 713-556-9244
    Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Alexis Licata Sr. Executive Dir of Business Log & Pur • Business Logistics & Purchasing
    Yesenia Taylor Director Business Solutions
    Tonya Mckinney Manager, Insurance - Risk Management
    Durelle Jacob Manager, Environmental Consulting - Risk Management
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