Assessment, Accountability & Compliance


  • Assessment Strategy
    The Assessment Strategy Team builds a shared understanding of assessment quality and purpose that is clearly linked to teaching and learning. The team also supports campuses with data-driven instruction (DDI) best practices and action planning. 

    Also, Assessment Strategy supports campuses with the administration of NAEP and CBE assessments. 


    Formative Assessment
    The Formative Assessment team provides direct support, guidance, and resources to schools on formative assessment administration and the use of assessment data to make instructional decisions (CADFAs, TFAR, OnTrack).

    Interim Assessment
    The Interim Assessment teams supports campuses with the administration of interim assessments and the usage of interim assessment data to make informed decisions (MAP, CIRCLE, DIBELS/Lectura).

    Summative Assessment
    The Summative Assessments team manages and oversees the development, administration, scoring, and analysis of the Texas assessment program on all matters related to summative international, national, district, & state test administrations (GT, TELPAS, STAAR, [P]SAT).

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